– This is a safe and inclusive space –

I offer a range of services to help you take care of yourself and of your loved ones. You are welcome here and my job is to help you understand your functioning and make peace with your story. Not sure what you need? Reach out to me by email and I can explain what services are right for you.

services offered in French, English and Arabic.

Photo by Bruno Pires on

Early intervention

In the first years of life, your child’s brain is the most plastic and prone for fast learning and change. I can support you with early motor and sensory development, play and communication, emotional regulation and family support and care. Book a consultation 0-3 years old.

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Child and youth therapy and parental guidance sessions

I am specialized in child and youth development, strengths and challenges on motor, cognitive and social-emotional levels.This includes neurodevelopment functioning and genetic syndromes. I offer one to one therapy and spend time with parents on every session to explain goals, activities and answer questions while offering strategies and tips. I use talk therapy, motor and sensory play, interactive card and board games to keep your child engaged and motivated. Please send me an email if you want to inquire about your child’s specific needs.

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Adult therapy – Pregnancy and Postpartum support

You decided to take things in hand and you are at the right place. Here I welcome your story and experience and follow your pace, I offer online and in-person sessions, I also offer guidance if you are looking for diagnosis. I use talk therapy, somatic and hypnotic relaxation, emotion focused and trauma informed care. I have a solid experience in working with neuro-divergeant individuals and my space is inclusive and respectful of all.

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Somatic group workshops

Step out of your mind and let your body flow in space. Follow your heartbeat, breathe and explore what your body has to offer. This workshop can be booked for organizations, professional teams, community centres, wellness studios etc…Reach out for more details on what to expect.

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Talks, webinars and articles

If you are interested in presenting or writing on a certain topic to raise awareness within your community or your team please reach out to me by email

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J’ai fait appel aux services de Rindala (astoryofthoughts) peu après son webinaire sur l’autisme et je la recommande à 300%. Elle travaille de façon régulière avec notre fille de 2.5 ans et nous avons remarqué d’énormes progrès dans son développement depuis: dans son Language mais aussi son interaction à la maison et à l’extérieur. Elle travaille aussi avec nous en tant que soutien moral; nous explique et nous montre comment jouer et communiquer avec notre fille. Elle utilise toujours les bons mots mais surtout avec beaucoup de bienveillance 🙂 Nous sommes très reconnaissants de l’avoir connue.

Léa S.

“I have no words to express how amazing you have been on this journey with us. 

You have been truly a blessing and whilst life is all about changes, your presence and support is something close to irreplaceable. 

Your genuine intent to make a difference in people’s lives is rare.”

Namita P.